Saturday, April 4, 2009

Healthy eating!!

We must be healthy by eating more fruits and vegetable every day!By eating those you will be healthy!Drink more milk too as it has nutrients to keep your bones fit and heathy!Some unhealthy food that children and adults like to eat are potato chips, like going to Mcdonalds everyday!You can eat them but not so often as it will affect your body!it is important to eat healthily as when you grow old you will shrink and your bones cannot take it and you will feel uncomfortable!You can get cancers if you keep eating unhealthy food!By eating fruits and vegetables can make u fit and healthy!Yes! When more people is fit and healthy now, people will be fit and healthy in the next generation!Teachers can create a booklet that helps the pupils to eat more fruits and vegetables.pupils who has about like five stars on their booklet, thy will receive a prize from the form teachers!Stall venders will have the right to chop the booklets!